Thursday, August 6, 2009

Heel Exercise - The Step Drop

Stretching exercises are a good way to keep your feet healthy. Stretching your feet can reduce, and even eliminate, heel pain so it is important to stretch everyday.

One exercise that we recommend everyone to do is the Step Drop. This is an exercise that you can do anywhere, especially if you have access to stairs. Or you can practice this exercise on a stool.

Begin the exercise by standing on the step or stool with your heels hanging off. If you are using a stool, be sure it is stable enough to hold you weight. You can always ask someone to hold the stool to stabilize it. Stretch out the arch of the foot by lowering one off the step at a time. Alternate heels and do about ten per foot.

Remember, having happy, healthy heels requires more than just seeing your podiatrist! You can start by practicing good stretching exercises everyday!

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