Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Flats Can Be Flat-Out Dangerous

We all know that wearing high heels can cause many problems in the feet and ankles.  However, we tend to overlook the harm that flat shoes can be doing to our feet.  Flat shoes, like gladiator sandals or ballet flats, can cause the wearer to have an abnormal gait.  This gait is usually some sort of shuffling. This can put strain on the ligaments of feet that turn inwards and can also cause problems with your knees.

Another problem with flat shoes is the lack of support they provide.  You put yourself at a higher risk of developing plantar fasciitis when you wear flat shoes because there is little shock absorbency provided and no cushion for your heel.

Guys, you are probably thinking this blog post has nothing to do with you---you never wear ballet flats or gladiator sandals!  Think again.  Flip-flops can pose the same dangers as flat shoes. Even your dress shoes and tennis shoes can cause problems.  Be sure your shoes fit your properly and provide you with adequate support.

A good way to maintain healthy feet is to alternate you shoe style and avoid wearing a particular pair day in and and day out.  Most of all, take the time to make sure your shoes are properly fit and provide adequate support.  Orthotics are a good way to do this.  You may want to try Powerstep ProTech Full Length Orthotics.  This orthotic is a unique podiatric support systm with a high level of cushioning that is designed to relieve pronation, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, arch pain, Achilles tendonitis, and to prevent foot strain and injury.  Visit our doctor store and check them out. This advice for healthy feet and heel can be taken by men and women alike.

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