Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Conservative Heel Care

Also known as non-surgical treatment, conservative heel care is used to treat most heel problems with dramatic results. Any initial visit to a podiatrist's office will start with a patient history and physical examination. Diagnostic x-rays and laboratory tests can also be used to help determine the best course of treatment.

Non-surgical treatments are called for in most cases including medical conditions which preclude the option of elective surgery, time commitment constraints, and elderly patients with many medical conditions. In spite of not being able to opt for foot surgery, many patients find great relief from pain and discomfort through the use of conservative treatments.

There are a wide variety of non-surgical treatments being used by podiatrists today. Cortisone injections, oral and topical medications, and heel taping or strapping are all examples of conservative heel care. Other options are exercise, custom-made walking shoes, physical therapy, and orthotics.

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